Welcome to the 2025 program of Barbara Swetina’s Community School of Music for Peace!
Herzfeld Sennrüti, Degersheim, Switzerland
April 12 -17th 2025 &
September 30 - 5 October 2025
Join our free info call on Tues Jan 28th, 2025 at 6pm CET.
by registering here for access.
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An introduction from Barbara
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We form a community following our love for music, where learning is natural, joyful and relaxed. Together we build a connected heart field, fuelled by love for the Earth, for each other and for the Divine!
The 'Community School of Music for Peace' began as leadership training and has broadened into an educational programme for both aspiring song leaders as well as those who want to deepen into a rich field of music without leading. New and returning participants are welcome at their current level of musical unfolding. Together we are building a sacred world culture through song and dance!
Testimonial: ‘Barbara has a unique way of leading groups through music to a joyfully high frequency. Here our hearts open naturally and there is a deep and tender connection to both the universe and each other. It reminds me of the feeling I have when I hold my child in my arms. To inspire this tenderness in a group of strangers to me is a wonder. This is so healing for our world, and takes us far beyond a typical choir or circle dance experience. To experience this with Barbara and learn from her is a rare privilege, as well as a chance to practice this beautiful craft ourselves.’
— Jamie Brown Hansen, Training participant 2023, training assistant 2024
The 2025 programme will again be bilingual in English and German. Based on their own interests, participants can choose to focus on any of the following educational components, which are integrated holistically into the training:

The 2025 programme consists of two 6-day, in-person modules in Ökodorf Herzfeld Sennrüti in Switzerland: April 12 -17th 2025 and September 30 - 5 October 2025, plus 5 online sessions in-between.
For an optimal experience, the group size will be kept between minimum 12 and maximum 25 participants.
By the end of the programme you will have:

Programme Content:
Materials you will receive:
Course structure:
2x six day long in person modules in the Sennrüti Ecovillage in Switzerland
Module 1 in Sennrüti: April 12 -17th 2025
Module 2 in Sennrüti: September 30 - 5 October 2025
Between the modules :
Between the modules we will offer 5 online sessions, 75 minutes long for mentoring and practice, exact date and time tbc based on best availability of participants.
You can also choose the following add-ons, which are available to programme participants at a reduced rate:
- Learn how to use and teach with the Music Train Adventure enabling everyone to read music through games and creativity.
- Homecoming in Song and Stillness - a 6 day long celebration of summer and music in the renowned Findhorn Ecovillage with Barbara Swetina and special guest Joachim Goerke who is a pianist, singer, composer, songleader and spiritual mentor. (Websites: www.JoachimGoerke.com and www.sajema.de)
Date: 14-20 July 2025

Course fees and payment plans:
The costs for the attendance of the course consists of 3 parts:
Tuition Fee for both 6 day in-person modules, all online calls and all materials:
Payment Plans are available for the tuition fee.
If more financial support would be needed to participate, please apply for a bursary or work scholarship at the time of booking. These can be offered once the minimum number of places have been filled. To apply, write to songtraining@sennrueti.ch and tell us more about your situation in a few sentences.
Prices for food and accommodation 2025: *
Accommodation for 5 nights:
* Can all be paid upfront or 2 weeks before each module.
To register please fill out this registration form. and e-mail to songtraining@sennrueti.ch
Once we receive your registration, we will be in touch with you asap to confirm your participation in the course and to set up a payment plan if you need one. We accept payments for the course via bank transfer and will be able to assist you with all required details once we receive your registration.
More Testimonials:
“The Sacred Songs and Dances contain old wisdom teachings that are repeated over and over while singing and dancing. Through this I feel comfort, healing and am connected to humanity in a loving way. Even in everyday life I feel the power and the healing effect of the songs. This training with Barbara has enriched my life immensely.”
Josephine S. course participant 2019
“You provided me with my 'template' of singing as a source of deep connection with Spirit, with each other, with intimacy in community. So you are also 'responsible' for all those who have come to the experience of singing through the groups and sessions that I have led. Thank you, you are a wonderful gift, connecting us to music, to spirit and to each other.”
With deep love and gratitude David Harrison, (current voice teacher and song leader in Findhorn)
About Barbara:
Barbara Swetina is a professional musician and music success coach, dedicated to building a unified heart field with music and voice. She graduated from the Mozarteum Salzburg in Recorder (concert level) and Piano and has a degree from the Orff Institute for Elementary Music Education. Since her teenage years she has been on a spiritual quest and was most influenced by Rudolph Steiner, the Findhorn Community, the Sufi message, the Aloha Spirit and Nonduality.
Barbara plays and teaches 7 different instruments.
For over 30 years she has been building a culture of peace through daily spiritual singing sessions as a musical director in the Findhorn Eco-Village in Scotland. Barbara published CDs and songbooks and is the creator of the MusicTrain Method, a game for learning to read music through play. Her love of music is contagious and can transform a group of strangers into a polyphonic choir with minutes. Barbara writes and arranges music and teaches internationally. By empowering people to develop their musical potential she wants to contribute to the creation of ‘the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible’ (Ch. Eisenstein).
Any questions?
For any logistical questions or any support with booking, please get in touch with our booking angel at songtraining@sennrueti.ch
If you have any questions for Barbara, please contact her at barbara@barbaraswetina.com
Interested but not quite sure yet?
If you have more questions about the training and the actual contents, you can register here for our info call on Tues Jan 28th 2025 at 6pm CET.
We look forward to hearing from you!